Best gaming smartphone 2022: which one to buy?

In 2018, mobile gaming already accounted for 51% of the gaming market. A figure that is likely to be significantly higher in 2022. According to experts’ estimates, gaming on smartphones and tablets is expected to attract even more consumers in the following years. Once shunned by publishers and PC and console gamers, smartphone gaming is […] →Read more

Which gaming smartphone to choose in 2023? Our selection of the best models

Today’s smartphones offer incredible versatility. With their increasingly powerful processors, they have notably taken over video games. Some models excel in this field, here is our selection of the best gamer smartphones. Top 3 Gaming smartphones Today’s smartphones are capable of great things that were unimaginable just a few years ago. The days of Snake’s […] →Read more

Top 30 best gaming smartphones in 2023

The genesis of cell phones that have video games goes back a long way, with the Nokia touchtone phones. As technology has evolved, so has the history of gaming on phones. For some time now we have had more powerful phones, and games on phones are becoming as fun as on consoles. But, still to […] →Read more

What are the best gaming smartphones in 2023?

Looking for a good gaming smartphone? With this selection, you will find the model you need to play demanding games such as Fortnite or Genshin Impact. The real “pro 8 /10 The very good screen Top performance Sober for a gamer smartphone Too expensive… The most powerful gaming smartphone 9 /10 Its internal power Its […] →Read more

The best gaming phones in 2023

Of all the phones we’ve tested, the best gaming phones are the ones with the performance, displays and batteries that can handle today’s most demanding games. Of these phones, some are familiar flagship phones from big companies like Apple or Samsung, with the camera and software quality (and price) that you’d expect as a result. […] →Read more

Best smartphones for gaming 2023

Best gaming smartphone 2023: hero handsets for setting high scores Taking no calls ’cause I’ll be gaming From budget bargains and mid-range marvels to fabulous flagships and foldable friends, contenders for the title of best gaming smartphone come in all shapes and sizes. Mobile tech has come on in leaps and bounds recently, meaning you […] →Read more

The 20 Most Popular Video Games of All Time (2023)

Want to know the most popular video games of all time? Oh yes, game time! Who doesn’t love a good video game?! I know I do. It can be said that there are certainly some unexpected ones on the list, but age and release date plays a big factor in their sales and popularity, so […] →Read more

Frontiers | The Association Between Mobile Game Addiction and Depression

Background With the fast development of mobile technology, many functions of desktop computers have been transferred to mobile devices like ipad and smartphone, which is especially the case for game applications. Mobile video games refer to games played by either single or multi players via online mobile devices. These games are particularly popular when they […] →Read more

Mobile gaming and problematic smartphone use: A comparative study between Belgium and Finland

Abstract Background and aims Gaming applications have become one of the main entertainment features on smartphones, and this could be potentially problematic in terms of dangerous, prohibited, and dependent use among a minority of individuals. A cross-national study was conducted in Belgium and Finland. The aim was to examine the relationship between gaming on smartphones […] →Read more

Mobile Gaming Industry 2023

Mobile gaming industry overview Online mobile gaming industry – analysis, trends, and statistics Gaming, and mobile gaming in particular, continued to rule the entertainment industry in 2022. Newzoo reports the global gaming market generated $184.4B in revenue, half ($92.2B) coming from mobile gaming alone in 2022. To put that into perspective, it’s more than triple […] →Read more