
Category: Browser Gameing

  • Pardus Game Review

    Pardus is a free to play browser game set in the far fetches of space. You are a little pilot trying to make it big throughout the universe. As with most other games, you start off being very poor and piloting a small and unstylish looking spaceship….

  • For your HTML5 browser game, how to create the canvas tag

    If you want to create a HTML5 browser game, the first thing you need to do is add the canvas to your webpage. Adding the canvas tag is only the very first step, though. After all, we will need to work with this canvas so we can program our browser…

  • Creating a HTML5 browser game’s canvas

    Even a good game can lack success if the presentation doesn’t convince players to try it. Now keep in mind that presentation doesn’t necessarily mean high-end graphics. There are some things that we can do using CSS to make our HTML5 canvas look more…

  • 2018’s top browser games for strategy

    In the last months no new projects have been launched in the strategy browser games market, partly because many developers are focusing on the development of mobile versions of successful and well known games. Fortunately, despite the lack of novelty,…