Looking for the ABCs in a Bible Story: A Biblical Storytelling Idea

Watching young children learn their ABCs is so much fun. And it’s an even greater blessing to see them discover the amazing tales of God found in the Bible. It’s a great idea to combine the two activities by looking for ABCs in a Bible story.

Choose a story that you’d like to share for this entertaining Bible game for preschoolers. Here is a list of stories to choose from to get you started:

The Story of Creation

The Story of Adam and Eve

The Story of Noah and the Flood

The Tower of Babel

God Calls Abraham

Isaac Get Married

Jacob Tricks His Father

Jacob Dreams of a Ladder to Heaven

Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors

Select one or more of these tales, and then look for one or more images that you know will genuinely delight your kids. In your search, look for images with a variety of background objects. Everything in the picture is “up for grabs” while hunting for ABC’s.

If you type the story’s title into a search engine like Google or Yahoo, you can find a TON of awesome Bible images online.

Print out the image at least TWO more times. Your kids will see one image as you read them a passage from the Bible. The various items found in the story will be cut out of the other images.

A poster of the ABCs is something else you’ll need. As a child finds an object in the picture, you will let him have the “cut out” picture and place it on the correct letter of the alphabet.

After telling the story, say to your children, “Now, let’s search a Bible story for the ABCs!” All the various items that are mentioned in the story should be highlighted. Children can identify the first sound and letter of each object by saying their words and assisting them in doing so.

For example, there was a great picture online for the story of “The story of Joseph and His Multicolored Coat.” There are a lot of objects in the image. The objects depicted include Joseph, his coat, sandals, shepherd’s staff, belt, as well as birds, trees, sheep, grass, and hills. The letters J, C, S, B, T, G, and H are all contained in these words. Nice work!

Now it’s your turn to choose a Bible story and locate some fantastic images so that your children can search for the ABCs in a Bible story.

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