
Category: Mobile Gaming

  • Best gaming smartphone 2022: which one to buy?

    In 2018, mobile gaming already accounted for 51% of the gaming market. A figure that is likely to be significantly higher in 2022. According to experts’ estimates, gaming on smartphones and tablets is expected to attract even more consumers in the following years. Once shunned by publishers and PC and console gamers, smartphone gaming is […]

  • Top 30 best gaming smartphones in 2023

    The genesis of cell phones that have video games goes back a long way, with the Nokia touchtone phones. As technology has evolved, so has the history of gaming on phones. For some time now we have had more powerful phones, and games on phones are becoming as fun as on consoles. But, still to […]

  • What are the best gaming smartphones in 2023?

    Looking for a good gaming smartphone? With this selection, you will find the model you need to play demanding games such as Fortnite or Genshin Impact. The real “pro 8 /10 The very good screen Top performance Sober for a gamer smartphone Too expensive… The most powerful gaming smartphone 9 /10 Its internal power Its […]

  • Mobile Gaming Industry 2023

    Mobile gaming industry overview Online mobile gaming industry – analysis, trends, and statistics Gaming, and mobile gaming in particular, continued to rule the entertainment industry in 2022. Newzoo reports the global gaming market generated $184.4B in revenue, half ($92.2B) coming from mobile gaming alone in 2022. To put that into perspective, it’s more than triple […]

  • What Are The Key Elements Of Mobile Game Development?

    The game apps are the beautifully designed apps that entertain and enthralls the target audience to the core that users can’t resist reopening the app repetitively. The reason may be the intuitive designs, intriguing gameplay or bespoke layout which…

  • The Nvidia Shield

    A breakdown of the Nvidia Shield system and all of it’s components. The Shield portable, Shield wireless controller and Shield Tablet.