Creating a HTML5 browser game’s canvas

Any game’s presentation is an essential component. Consumers want to enjoy playing your games, and game development is a part of the entertainment industry. If a game’s presentation fails to entice players to try it or inspires them to play more, it may not be as successful as it could be. Now keep in mind that presentation does not always imply top-notch graphics. CSS can be used for a few different things.

The Browser as a Gaming Console

When making HTML5 games, one thing I like to picture is the browser acting as a gaming console. Two things come to mind when employing this strategy: a frame and a screen that is in the middle. Our canvas can have a border and be centered in the browser window with the aid of a little CSS. Additionally, if we chose a dark background color for the canvas’ white border, we could create a visually appealing game screen that would entice new players to start playing.

Giving the Canvas a Border

The first thing we need to do is add a dashed border to our canvas. Of course, you could also use a border that was solid or dotted. But, especially while creating the game, I like a dashed one. Set canvas as the id when you add the canvas tag to your website. By writing the CSS code 1px dashed black, we can now give it a border. You can see the canvas as a tiny rectangle in the top-left corner of your browser window if you refresh your page right now.

Centering the Canvas

As you can imagine, even a fantastic game loses its appeal if you have to play it in the upper-left corner of your browser window. For this reason, we want to centered the canvas in the browser window. Again, CSS code can be used to achieve this. We must first add a div tag to surround the canvas tag. We will give this div tag an id of “wrapper”. To arrange elements on a website properly, wrapper is a common generic id name. The main content—in our case, the canvas for our HTML5 game—is found inside the wrapper. The wrapper and game canvas can now be placed in the center of the container. The wrapper’s width is set to 800 pixels, and its margins are set to auto, to achieve this. The wrapper must be given a width in order for the auto margins to center it.

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