Derrick Rose: The Biggest What-If in Sports History

4/28/2012. NBA Playoffs Round One. The Sixers lead the Bulls 99-87. 1:20 left on the clock. After finishing the regular season in first place, Chicago is about to enthrall their first playoff game with a W. Derrick Rose recently made history by becoming the youngest player to ever win the MVP award. Since Michael Jordan’s heyday, Chicago’s spirits have never been higher. Anyhow, Rose drives past a defender and begins aiming for the basket. He raises the ball in the most embarrassing manner. Once his feet were off the ground, it was almost like he had stepped on a tack. One leg only is extended toward the court as he collapses to the ground. No one notices because the ball is still in play. Yet again, the basket is the center of attention. It resembled a shooting match in the Midwest. Even though one of the cowboys is struck, they are surrounded by dust. The crowd waits impatiently to learn what transpired after the dust has settled. Derrick Rose is on the court, clutching his knee, and all you can see is his angry, hurt face. The superstar, the new hope for Chicago, and the savior of our city abruptly suffer a horrifying ACL tear. Around the nation, all of the fans’ friends and family members were in disbelief. He just stayed down, despite my silent prayers for him to stand up. The game was uninteresting to anyone. Our chances of winning the championship or the playoffs were unimportant. Our only concern was for the well-being of our hometown hero… and just like that. A young man who had the ability to soar had reached his limit. Never again would he be the MVP who was the youngest ever.

“What if.” What if Derrick remained healthy? I doubt that another MVP season will occur. I struggle to do it despite my best intentions. What I do see is a cheerful, healthy individual who is a team player. with the intention of winning a ring. determination to win. Beginnings that are modest often end up being modest.

I could gush endlessly about the efforts at recovery. campaigns for Adidas’ #Return. external falls of number one. I won’t, though, because Derrick Rose is a basketball legend and should be treated as such. He is among the best players to ever play the game. We could daydream about potential outcomes. Instead, let’s just enjoy what we saw and leave it at that. It was incredible to watch you play and see what you accomplished for Chicago. You gave a city what it desperately needed—hope.

Derrick Rose, I appreciate you. Forever a legend.

Watch his MVP Highlights on YouTube if you’re up for some tears.


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