For your HTML5 browser game, how to create the canvas tag

The canvas must first be added to your website if you want to create an HTML5 browser game. This ought to be fairly simple for you if you already know HTML. However, adding the canvas tag is just the first step. Ultimately, we must work with this canvas in order to program our browser game. You’ll discover how to add canvas tags to your website and save the canvas in a JavaScript variable in this article.

Adding the Canvas Tag to Your Webpage

In case you’re not too familiar with HTML, let me first briefly explain how to write HTML and add the canvas tag: The first thing we need to do is launch a straightforward text editor (not a word processor), such as Notepad. Although any text editor will do, I prefer using Notepad++. Once that is done, we must add the!DOCTYPE HTML>/HTML> tags to define the document as HTML. You should now save this file as, say, game.HTML. It’s up to you what you call the file. The HTML extension, however, is important. It won’t operate without this. The body, or the content, of our webpage needs to be defined next. By including body tags, we accomplish this. The important canvas tag: canvas>/canvas>, can now be written inside these body tags.

Identifying the Canvas

We require a straightforward method of identifying the canvas so that we can work with it and begin animating our game inside of it. Providing it with an id is the best way to do this. To keep things simple and clear we give it an id of “canvas”. So all you need to write now is <canvas id=”canvas”></canvas>. Remember that we are merely laying out the playing field for our game. The canvas is merely a platform on which we can host our game.

Saving the Canvas in JavaScript

JavaScript must be written extensively when creating HTML5 browser games. In fact, using only HTML didn’t even allow us to make a game. However, how is the canvas tag accessible to JavaScript? JavaScript is actually designed to search through an HTML document for elements that can be modified by the programmer. With our canvas, we’ll follow the same procedure. It’s a good thing we gave our canvas an id because that makes it much simpler for us to access it in JavaScript. In order to find an element with the id of canvas, we will now instruct the JavaScript code to look for it and save the result in a JavaScript variable. We will save it in a variable called canvas once more to keep things simple.

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